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Author: Ken R. Ashworth

How Do I Make a Trust in Las Vegas?

Posted in trust on January 9, 2025

It’s not always easy to think about planning for your family after your passing. Creating a trust in Nevada can protect your assets and provide for your family for years to come. You might be wondering: how do I make a trust in Las Vegas? While Nevada is one of the top states in the… (Keep reading)

What Is the Benefit of a Trust in Nevada?

Posted in trust on January 6, 2025

In the U.S., Nevada ranks in the top five states for creating trusts. This is in part due to its trust-friendly laws, tax advantages, and asset protection. But what is the benefit of a trust in Nevada? Explore the reasons why you should create a trust in Nevada and how a Las Vegas trust lawyer… (Keep reading)

Is a Handwritten Will Valid in Nevada?

Posted in estate planning on December 16, 2024

Ensuring your will is legally valid is an important step to protecting your wealth. If you live in Nevada, you have several options for estate planning, depending on your needs. One of these options is to create a handwritten will. You may be wondering, “Is a handwritten will valid in Nevada?” It may only be… (Keep reading)

Can I Write My Own Will and Have It Notarized in Nevada?

Posted in estate planning on December 15, 2024

Estate planning may not be at the top of your mind now, but creating a will to protect your wealth is essential regardless of how much you own or have. If you live in Nevada, you should understand the requirements for a will to be legally valid before you consider what approach you will take… (Keep reading)

What Are the Seven Steps in the Estate Planning Process?

Posted in estate planning on November 5, 2024

Starting the estate planning process can be overwhelming, especially if you are attempting to do so on your own. Having an experienced Las Vegas estate planning lawyer by your side throughout this process can make everything go a lot more smoothly. Still, it is important to understand and know how the estate planning process actually… (Keep reading)

What Is the Difference Between Will and Estate Planning?

Posted in probate on November 4, 2024

Having a plan for what comes next after you pass away is important, especially if you are the owner of a significant estate and there are beneficiaries whom you wish to take care of. Before that can happen, though, it is important that you take the proper steps to protect not only yourself but your… (Keep reading)

What Assets Are Exempt From Probate in Nevada?

Posted in probate on September 16, 2024

Understanding exempt and non-exempt probate assets can be confusing, especially for those unsure about the estate planning process and how probate works. At Ken R. Ashworth & Associates, we can share a clear overview of what assets are exempt from probate in Nevada. What Is Probate? Probate is a legal process that happens after a… (Keep reading)

Do You Have to Go Through Probate in Nevada?

Posted in probate on September 15, 2024

Attending to legal matters in probate court can be expensive and time-consuming. Understandably, people want to avoid putting their family members through court hearings and meeting with lawyers while also grieving their loss. This may leave you wondering, do you have to go through probate in Nevada? What Is Probate, and Is It Necessary? Probate… (Keep reading)